Cinematic and Photographic Storyteller

Los Angeles, CA based Visual Artist. Video and Photo Services.

Photography Portfolio Highlight

Who is she?

Well, she’s a real enigma, that one. There’s a whisper of danger and mystery around her, like a faint perfume in the air. She walks into a room and heads turn, but nobody really knows who she is. She’s one of those dames who knows more than she lets on. Who is she?



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Seattle on Film (An 8mm Film)

I started off the 2023 year with a trip to Seattle, Washington. It wasn’t my first time there, as I had travelled there once before in 2020. Although I didn’t shoot much the first time I travelled to Washington, I only shot digital. At this time, I hadn’t even shot a single roll of analog film. Actually, I knew absolutely about nothing about film. I ended up shooting a total of five rolls of 35mm and three rolls of 8mm film on this recent trip. Thinking about it, this trip was a different experience beyond being in city I wasn’t so familiar with or shooting a different format of photography. It was different in how I observed and enjoyed the world around me. So anyways, here’s Seattle, Washington shot on film!

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